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June 21 is National Indigenous People’s Day!

June 21 is National Indigenous People’s Day!

Today, June 21st, 2021 is National Indigenous People’s Day, a national celebration of the heritage, cultures, and achievements of First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples. This day overlaps with the summer solstice, which is a significant day for many Indigenous cultures. It also falls within National Indigenous History Month, which this year is dedicated to the missing children, the families left behind, and the survivors of residential schools.

Check out a map of celebratory events across the nation here as well as the Summer Solstice Indigenous Festival series of events.

Learn about funding through the Government of Canada to support community celebratory events for National Indigenous Peoples Day here.

Learn more about the rich and diverse cultures and histories of Indigenous peoples here.

Learn more about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission here, which includes a history of residential schools in Canada.