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The World Playground Research Institute has created a comprehensive article database, offering access to peer-reviewed articles and evidence-based studies on playground design, play environments, and their impact on child development. Curated by industry experts, the database supports educators, researchers, policymakers, and designers in promoting high-quality, inclusive, and engaging play spaces. Click here to access the World...

Park People’s 2024 Canadian City Parks Report, titled "Bridging the Gap," examines how partnerships and collaborations can help overcome the pressing challenges facing Canada’s park sector today. With insights from cities across Canada, this sixth annual edition highlights strategies to advance urban park development and management while fostering vibrant, inclusive, and resilient spaces for all.   To...

Outdoor Play Canada and Children & Nature Denmark recently came together to present a special webinar on supporting outdoor play and learning for children disabilities. This session highlighted the ongoing work of two national outdoor play organizations and research findings on inclusive and accessible outdoor play and learning from both Canada and Denmark. To watch this...

Child Health BC, with partners Sport for Life Society, YMCA of Greater Vancouver, Childhood Healthy Living Foundation, and BC Recreation and Parks Association developed the Appetite to Play program to build physical activity, physical literacy, and food literacy capacity in early years settings. Appetite to Play provides a web resource, toolkit, and training workshops for...

Kim Hiscott, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Andrew Fleck Children's Services sat down with Debbie Groff, Child Care Deputy Senior Administrator for the Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) in Washington State. In 2021, Washington State became the first state in the US to license outdoor, nature-based childcare programs for preschool and school-age children....

Outdoor Play Canada is proud to support Take Me Outside’s Outdoor Learning Resource Hub, a living document and comprehensive guide that highlights outdoor learning organizations throughout the country. Regardless of your experience or expertise in outdoor learning, you can explore this directory to learn more about what each of these featured organizations are up to, and...

Farm to Cafeteria Canada has launched a new school food map and is intended for use by anyone who’s passionate about transforming how food is experienced, learned and celebrated at school. For schools, getting on the map can help celebrate your school's efforts, connect with other schools, and contribute to national data. For community partners,...

In 2021, Metropolis – a global network of major cities and metropolitan areas – launched a global call for children to draw their hopes for the city of the future. The resulting report: “How do children imagine the future of their metropolises” is the result of an analysis of children’s contributions in response to that...

Spirit North is a not-for-profit organization that aims to empower Indigenous youth through sport and play. Their 2021-2022 Community Impact Report provides a 5-year overview of their initiatives, shares stories of success, and highlights their reach, impact, and vision. In particular, they highlight how sport and play can serve to advance reconciliation in Canada, by...

The 2022 Park People Report focuses on how collaboration, mindfulness, and power-sharing in parks can help nurture and repair relationships between ourselves, our communities, and the wider natural world. The report includes data on the latest national and local trends in parks including the observed trend of increased interested in adventure play in parks (e.g.,...