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Recreation Nova Scotia (RNS), in collaboration with the Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage – Communities, Sport, and Recreation Division, has produced an online and printed booklet on Outdoor Play for parents and caregivers. The booklet, Why Outdoor Play Matters: A practical guide for parents and caregivers includes things like: what to say instead of...

Families Canada is the national association of Family Support Centres focused on delivering education, training, and tools for their network of organizations to help build stronger families and communities. Families Canada's series called "Why Play?" includes a number of expert-approved resources (e.g., activity cards, books, pamphlets) on the latest best practices and science related to children's...

Written by Tim Gill and published & copyrighted by Play Wales, the Weighing up risks and benefits in children's play info sheet outlines why risk is important in children's play, the importance of finding a balance between protecting against injury and promoting beneficial play opportunities, and guidance on how to do so. Read the full info...

The Declaration on the Child's Right to Play in Canada, produced by IPA (International Play Association) Canada is a call for individuals and organizations across Canada to promote the child's right to play at local, regional and national levels. The Declaration outlines the benefits of play for children, the role of adults in supporting the...

Inclusive Playgrounds, led by the Canadian Disability Participation Project, presents thirteen evidence-informed recommendations for designing inclusive playgrounds to enable participation for children with disabilities, provides a diagram of a potential inclusive playground illustrating how these recommendations can be implemented, and provides a short description of how the recommendations were identified. Check out the Inclusive Playgrounds Resource...

The Outdoor Play Glossary provides a compilation of terminology & concepts integral to outdoor play. The purpose is to be consistent in the use of terms & build a shared understanding of language used in dialogue on outdoor play across Canada. These are working definitions developed by Outdoor Play Canada founding members, the Lawson Foundation...