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Check-out OPC's inaugural Annual Report to learn about everything we've been up to in our first year as a not-for-profit organization! We're immensely proud and honoured to be leading several exciting collaborative, cross-sectoral projects both in Canada and internationally. We could not have done it without our new and growing team of staff, students, and...

In 2017, Peterborough Public Health undertook an extensive review of evidence related to outdoor playspaces for children in response to an observed increase in playground injury rates in Peterborough compared to the rest of the province. The review focuses on evidence related to the benefits of outdoor play, safety and risk, injury prevention, physical activity,...

A Common Vision for Increasing Physical Activity and Reducing Sedentary Living in Canada: Let’s Get Moving Report, a national policy document by the Public Health Agency of Canada, provides guidance on ways to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary living. The Common Vision is guided by five interdependent principles: Physical Literacy, Life Course, Population Approach,...

The Benefits of Being in Nature factsheet by the Halifax Regional Municipality and the Nova Scotia Health Authority summarizes evidence on the benefits of being in nature including the benefits of outdoor play for children's healthy movement, which references the Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play. Also included in the factsheet is a list of...

KidActive provided secretariat support for a collaborative leadership model to co-ordinate and gather existing and potential resources, social networks, data, opportunities and insights to further the reach and deepen the impact of the Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play across Canada. KidActive convened the Canadian Outdoor Play Working Group, which evolved into Outdoor Play Canada....

Nature and Why It’s Essential for Kids’ Brains: Information for Parents and Caregivers info sheet from provides information on what spontaneous outdoor play is, the health benefits of spontaneous outdoor play for children's physical and mental health based on evidence from the Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play, and the disadvantages of indoor play...

The Environmental Educators Provincial Specialist Association (EEPSA) provides professional development, resource documents and materials to help support teachers in expanding outdoor learning opportunities in British Columbia. Their resources include the  Position Statement on Education Outside the Classroom, which outlines the benefits of spending time outside, offers recommendations on bringing education outdoors, and includes call to...

On June 9th 2015, ParticipACTION released the 11th Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. In that report the authors identified that 'the biggest risk is keeping kids indoors' and highlighted findings from the Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play on the importance of outdoor play and outdoor risky play for children's health...

This winter (and eventually, spring), the City of Calgary is continuing its self-directed, drop-in program that uses natural elements such as snow, tree stumps, tree cookies, branches, twigs and rocks to inspire active and creative outdoor play, and connect people, young and old, to nature, with onsite play ambassadors to inspire play. Parents are encouraged...