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The Vancouver Junior Ranger Program is a resource for all teachers to facilitate safe and exciting outdoor learning in city parks. Teacher candidates work alongside the Lead Vancouver Park Ranger in Stanley Park, providing education to visitors to the park while developing outdoor activities and nature safety tours for school groups and field trips.   Learn more...

Recreation Nova Scotia (RNS), in collaboration with the Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage – Communities, Sport, and Recreation Division, has produced an online and printed booklet on Outdoor Play for parents and caregivers. The booklet, Why Outdoor Play Matters: A practical guide for parents and caregivers includes things like: what to say instead of...

Recreation Nova Scotia (RNS), in collaboration with the Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage – Communities, Sport, and Recreation Division, has produced an Outdoor Play Booklet with practical tips and guidance for parents and caregivers. This new resource includes information on many outdoor play topics such as the importance of outdoor play for children, guidance...

L'offre de formation de 100 degrés sur l’éducation en plein air fournit de nouvelles idées et connaissances pour enrichir la pratique des personnes qui œuvrent au quotidien auprès des élèves. Afin d'outiller les enseignantes et enseignants désirant utiliser cette approche prometteuse, 100° s'est engagé dans le développement et la diffusion d'une série de cours en...

Camp Jeu, situated on 520 acres within parc Jean-Drapeau in the city of Montreal, is an urban camp that provides outdoor-focused programs for young people 5-17 years to promote their sport and cultural development and the development of healthy lifestyle habits. Learn more about Camp Jeu here....

This report from Maximum City summarizes data on children and youth's play, physical activity, emotions and healthy growth during the third wave of the pandemic in Ontario, in the spring and early summer of 2021. The results highlight the role of outdoor play and physical activity in maintaining emotional wellbeing and healthy growth during this...

SaskOutdoors has been partnering with Outdoor Play experts to lead "Get Outside and...

The Alberta Recreation & Parks Association has a series of tools to support municipalities in creating Play Declarations; formal, signed commitments for communities/municipalities to share a vision for play. Resources include 'how-to' guides, video presentations and executive summaries for use with decision-makers, and webinar presentations for practitioners (featuring a quote from OPC Chair Dr. Mark...

The Greenspace and Ecohealth Toolkit 2017, produced by Ecohealth Ontario, provides resources, guidance and assistance to those interested in making lasting improvements in community health through greenspace provision, access, and design. This resource aims to support policy makers and program deliverers in increasing opportunities for Ontario residents at all life stages to live, work, play,...

WILD CHILD is an free outdoor play program for families run by childREACH in London, ON. The program is run three times per week all year round (no matter the weather) and is held in local wooded areas to support play in natural settings. childREACH recently developed a new component of their program called WILD...