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The PLEY (Physical Literacy and the Early Years) Project focused on improving physical literacy, physical activity and active outdoor play in Nova Scotia preschoolers through the integration of loose parts. Main findings of this project were summarized in a public-facing report and published in research-grade journals, were shared at the Summer of PLEY event in...

Coping with Changes: Social-Emotional Learning Through Play Online 9-week course, produced by the Lego Foundation, explores the practical and emotional challenges facing children, guides practitioners in discovering learning through play, and discusses COVID-19-related stress management strategies. Topics covered in the course include: Foundations of learning through play Importance of mental health and psychological support/social emotional learning...

A Common Vision for Increasing Physical Activity and Reducing Sedentary Living in Canada: Let’s Get Moving Report, a national policy document by the Public Health Agency of Canada, provides guidance on ways to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary living. The Common Vision is guided by five interdependent principles: Physical Literacy, Life Course, Population Approach,...

The Benefits of Being in Nature factsheet by the Halifax Regional Municipality and the Nova Scotia Health Authority summarizes evidence on the benefits of being in nature including the benefits of outdoor play for children's healthy movement, which references the Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play. Also included in the factsheet is a list of...

UpLift for Healthier Generations, a policy initiative focused on unstructured outdoor play for children and youth in Nova Scotia, aims to promote community contribution to physical activity and complement school physical activity policy. The policy development framework of UpLift consists of the following: Examine child health and well-being in communities Develop a definition of unstructured...

The COVID-19 Well-Being Risk Assessment (COBRA) Study, produced by Maximum City, is an ongoing survey of the behaviours, feelings, and opinions of Canadian children and youth (as reported themselves) during the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal is to understand the impact COVID-19 related disruptions have on children and youth and identify gaps in support. Regularly updated...

The Saskatchewan Prevention Institute is an organization that strives for excellence in primary prevention and knowledge translation, transfer, and exchange. Their knowledge products include pages on Play and Risk in Play, with definitions, tips, and resources (including a webinar featuring Outdoor Play Canada leadership group member, Dr. Mariana Brussoni). See the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute's Play page...

KidScore & YouthScore, by Maximum City, is a child-friendly neighborhood assessment tool. This tool encourages children and youth to explore and measure how kid-friendly or youth-friendly an urban area is via a survey and affiliated activities. The survey and activities ask about ways to get around in an area, things for kids and youth to see...

Right to Play: A fundamental necessity for healthy development! is a fact sheet co-published by the Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children and International Play Association Canada that outlines areas of action to promote children's play. Areas of action include: Promoting awareness among parents, caregivers, education professionals, recreation leaders, planners, decision makers on the importance...

The Street Design Challenge, by Maximum City, aims to engage Canadian children and youth in hands-on design and problem solving in redesigning neighborhood streets. Resources that are a part of this initiative include a Street Design Challenge Guide, Street Design Worksheets, as well as a Glossary of Terms.   Learn more about the Street Design Challenge here....