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The Declaration on the Child's Right to Play in Canada, produced by IPA (International Play Association) Canada is a call for individuals and organizations across Canada to promote the child's right to play at local, regional and national levels. The Declaration outlines the benefits of play for children, the role of adults in supporting the...

The Environmental Educators Provincial Specialist Association (EEPSA) in British Columbia put together a Position Statement on Education Outside the Classroom. In the Statement the authors outline the social, emotional, physical and academic benefits of spending time outside, recommendations on bringing education outdoors, as well as a call to action to discuss their recommendations, directed at...

Physical and Health Education (PHE) Canada has released a National Position Statement on Recess that calls for educators, administrators, and district officials to consider a new approach to recess in schools across Canada, and provides supporting information to do so. In the Statement, the authors outline the importance of recess for children's social well-being, immediate and...

On July 13, 2020, the Lawson Foundation released a statement on the importance of outdoor play as a public health strategy to support the reopening of early learning and child care (ELCC) centres, and for children's development and learning. The statement was prepared with input from public health and ELCC sector advisors, and includes guiding principles...

The Global Recess Alliance Statement on Recess is a living document produced by the Global Recess Alliance that outlines the importance of preserving recess when children return to school as COVID-19 related restrictions begin to lift. The Statement provides a summary of evidence on the importance of recess for children's learning and well-being, and provides...