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The Flower of Love

The Flower of Love

In a recent blog post for Child and Nature Alliance of Canada, Petra Eperjesi, manager of National Programs at Forest School Canada, outdoor teacher and parent, describes her rediscovery of play as the language of children and as a therapeutic outlet, as she participates in her son’s make-belief game involving a troll, the powerful FLASH, and the Flower of Love.

Petra then pivots her experience with her son to thinking about how educators may use outdoor play to build curriculum and foster child-led learning. She looks to the Grade 1/2 language and media literacy curriculum to think about how educators may document and guide students to transform their play into story, choosing to either write it down (thereby meeting writing expectations), document it in a podcast (oral communication expectations), or share it with their peers (reading and comprehension expectations).

To read the full blog post, click here.