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The Government of Canada has put together the Risk mitigation tool for outdoor recreation spaces and activities operating during the COVID-19 pandemic to assist those responsible for parks and outdoor recreational places and programming (e.g. federal/provincial/territorial and local/municipal authorities, Indigenous leadership, sports and recreation organizations and coaches and leaders) in considering risks associated with operating their...

The Government of Canada has put together the Risk mitigation tool for child and youth settings operating during the COVID-19 pandemic to assist school boards and operators of child and youth settings and programs (e.g. early learning and daycare centres, schools, summer camps) in considering risks associated with operating their services, as well as example...

The Global Recess Alliance Statement on Recess is a living document produced by the Global Recess Alliance that outlines the importance of preserving recess when children return to school as COVID-19 related restrictions begin to lift. The Statement provides a summary of evidence on the importance of recess for children's learning and well-being, and provides...

These "how to" guides are intended to help municipalities and organizations improve play in their communities. They are based on the experiences of The City of Calgary who, since 2016, facilitated the creation, signing, and ongoing appraisal of the Calgary Play Charter as well as the development and implementation of a Mobile Adventure Playground....

The Lawson Foundation is pleased to release Advancing Outdoor Play and Early Childhood Education: A Discussion Paper which is a synthesis of a multi-sector symposium convened in October 2018. The discussion paper shares the major themes of the Symposium and proposes concrete actions to advance outdoor play and early childhood education. Links to resources related to the discussion...

Seeing risk doesn’t mean something bad will happen. In fact, it helps everyone be prepared. This workbook takes you through understanding and evaluating the risks of a project. This workbook was created collaboratively by Civic Innovation YYC, Liveable Streets and The Integrated Risk Management at The City of Calgary....