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On June 17th, 2020, ParticipACTION launched the 14th edition of the Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. This report is the most comprehensive assessment of child and youth physical activity in Canada across 14 indicators, based on data from multiple sources including the best available peer-reviewed research. Canadian children and youth received a...

Play England put together a framework that provides guidance on how to support children's play in the 'new normal' and how to address issues surrounding the impact of COVID-19 on play. The document is geared towards everyone who works with children at play including teachers, social workers, medical practitioners, parks officers, youth workers, early years...

The 2020 review 'How Play Streets supports the development of physical literacy in children' was launched by the Centre for Sport and Social Impact at La Trobe University and commissioned by Play Australia. This review is an evaluation of the 1000 Play Streets project, which aims to 'support Australians in reclaiming their streets as places...

The 2020 Play: health and well-being information sheet by Play Wales is an update from the version originally published in 2012. This information sheet describes why play is important for children’s physical and mental health and provides guidance on ways to support good quality play. Specific focus is given to play as an important source...

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) on 20 November 2019, Play Wales published a new report where children and teenagers talk about what’s good about the play opportunities in their local area and how satisfied they are about when, how and where they can...

This learning brief, developed by Parachute, explains the characteristics and benefits of unstructured outdoor play and risky play. To access the learning brief, visit

This learning brief, developed by Parachute, describes key benefits of playgrounds and play spaces, including the benefits of risky play in these settings. It also guides parents on how they can ensure their child’s safety while also allowing their child to explore and develop. To access the learning brief, visit

The Lawson Foundation is pleased to release Advancing Outdoor Play and Early Childhood Education: A Discussion Paper which is a synthesis of a multi-sector symposium convened in October 2018. The discussion paper shares the major themes of the Symposium and proposes concrete actions to advance outdoor play and early childhood education. Links to resources related to the discussion...

Seeing risk doesn’t mean something bad will happen. In fact, it helps everyone be prepared. This workbook takes you through understanding and evaluating the risks of a project. This workbook was created collaboratively by Civic Innovation YYC, Liveable Streets and The Integrated Risk Management at The City of Calgary....