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Parcourez tout le contenu lié au jeu à l'extérieur et à sa pratique.

The Outdoor Learning School and Store is offering a free virtual workshop titled Outdoor Learning in the Early Years. This expert-led session features an incredible panel of educators, researchers, authors, and practitioners who will share practical tools, resources, and ideas to enhance your outdoor learning practices, specifically tailored for the early years. Among the esteemed......

Jouons dehors Canada est à la recherche d'un boursier à temps plein du Canadian Centre for Outdoor Play (CCOP) pour un an afin de renforcer les capacités et le leadership des parties prenantes du jeu en plein air. En tant que boursier du CCOP, votre rôle consistera à mener des initiatives de défense des intérêts et de réflexion pour la promotion du jeu de plein air dans la petite enfance, en collaboration avec .......

Are you worried about the winter blues? Celebrating its 10th year in the UK and 2nd here in Canada, RED (Rise Every Day) January is a nationwide community that’s open to individuals and teams of all ages and abilities. RED’s philosophy is to empower all of us to move and boost our mood in the......

Since 2020, the PaRx Prescription for Nature program has meant that physicians first in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario (and now many more) could prescribe a Parks Canada Discovery Pass to their patients for the purposes of promoting physical and mental health. A collaboration between PaRx, an initiative driven by health care professionals that......

Registration for the Council of Outdoor Educators of Ontario‘s Annual Make Peace with Winter Conference is now open! The conference runs from the evening of Friday, January 24 to mid-day Sunday, January 26, 2025 at Camp Kawartha. This year’s theme of “Winter’s Embrace” encourages us to discover ways to engage with outdoor education in the winter......

Thank you to Dr. Mark Tremblay, OPC President and Senior Scientist at the CHEO Research Institute, for providing this post. Holiday gift ideas are often traditionally centered around material items, most of which being items that are not essential or needed and likely superfluous. Such things fill closets and cupboards, consume resources (natural and financial),......

This new two-part Lancet series, delivered by the Early Childhood Development Action Network (ECDAN), explores the “next 1,000 days” of a child’s life, covering the critical developmental period from ages two to five. The series highlights the importance of this developmental period, explores care environments, risks, and protective factors shaping development, assesses access to nurturing care, and......

Outdoor Play Canada and Children & Nature Denmark are presenting a special webinar on supporting outdoor play and learning for children disabilities. This session will highlight the ongoing work of two national outdoor play organizations and research findings on inclusive and accessible outdoor play and learning from both Canada and Denmark. Participants will engage in......

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British Columbia, Organizations, Outdoor ECE, Parents, Practice, Professional Development, Risky Play, Safety & Outdoor Play, Toolkit
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Alberta, Équité, Diversité et inclusion, Santé, Bien-être et développement, Environnements de jeu extérieurs, Parents, Politique, Pratique, Rapport, Jeu risqué

Manque-t-il du contenu important sur le jeu extérieur sur notre site Web?

Les enfants sont en meilleure santé, plus résistants, plus forts et plus actifs lorsqu'ils jouent dehors.