The CCOP (Canadian Centre for Outdoor Play)
is a centre of excellence where practice, policy and research
come together to inspire commitment to advancing outdoor play.
Outdoor play and learning are available, accessible, and habitually accessed by young children living in Canada.
The Canadian Centre for Outdoor Play is a collaboration between Outdoor Play Canada, the Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Group at the CHEO Research Institute, Algonquin College, and Andrew Fleck Children’s Services through which we aim inspire commitment to advancing outdoor play and learning for the overall health and well-being of children in Canada. The Canadian Centre for Outdoor Play leads demonstration projects, informs policy and practice, provides professional development opportunities, conducts applied research, and leads nationwide knowledge translation and mobilization efforts to promote and support children, their care providers, their families, and the environments in which they play, learn and live.
Neeka Barnes has worked in the early learning and care field for the 46 years. She has a diverse background that includes roles as a home child care provider and consultant, life skills coach, college professor and college program coordinator. For the past 17 years, she has worked as a Director at Andrew Fleck Children’s Services. She is excited and passionate about building partnerships, providing high quality client centric service, creating meaningful and joyful outdoor experiences for children and families, and working with others who are committed to the values and vision of Andrew Fleck Children’s Services.
Dr. Louise de Lannoy completed her PhD at Queen’s University in clinical exercise physiology. Her interests in population health and knowledge translation led her to join the Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Team at the CHEO Research Institute where she became involved in and helped grow Outdoor Play Canada into the not-for-profit organization it is today. Louise is passionate about environmental stewardship, finding daily joy and wonder outdoors, and thinking creatively and collaboratively about whole-of-community challenges. She can’t believe her luck in finding such a joyous, satisfying, and playful form of work that aligns almost magically with these passions. Outside of OPC, Louise enjoys exploring Ottawa by running, cycling and skiing through it and winding down at the end of the day on the couch with a glass of wine, her partner Jeff, and their geriatric puppy.
Alessia Capone (she/her) is a second year PhD student working under the supervision of Dr. Kelly Arbour-Nicitopoulos in the ADAPT Lab at the University of Toronto, in collaboration with the CCOP. Alessia received a Master of Professional Kinesiology (MPK) at the University of Toronto in 2022.
Amy Jo Smith is a Registered Early Childhood Educator and a Resource Consultant with Children’s Inclusion Support Services, seconded to the CCOP for our project supporting children with disabilities in outdoor play and learning in natural spaces. She has been co – learning alongside children and families in diverse settings for the past two decades, and is passionate about creating accessible, welcoming spaces for children of all abilities to grow, explore and thrive. She has continued her learning journey in becoming a Forest and Nature School Practitioner and Trauma Competent Care Practitioner. She loves to be outdoors connecting, playing, and exploring alongside children, sharing their wonder and joy of discovery, and learning together from the resilience and beauty of the natural world. She can be found outdoors in all seasons – hiking a forest trail, enjoying Ottawa’s waterways on a bike path or a paddleboard, or skiing on one of the many winter trails!
Paula ter Huurne est une éducatrice de la petite enfance agréée, une passionnée de plein air et une apprenante à vie ; elle est titulaire d'un diplôme en éducation de la petite enfance du Collège Algonquin, ayant effectué son stage final en Nouvelle-Zélande pour étudier le programme Te Whāriki, et d'un diplôme spécialisé en linguistique avec une concentration en psycholinguistique et en troubles de la communication de l'Université Carleton. Paula a plus de dix ans d'expérience de travail avec les enfants et les familles dans divers contextes communautaires et d'apprentissage précoce. Elle est également une bénévole dévouée du Camp Quality, au service des familles d'oncologie pédiatrique, et possède de l'expérience dans l'organisation de programmes en plein air, la collecte de fonds et la coordination d'événements. Paula est passionnée par les changements sociaux équitables, la gestion de l'environnement, les environnements riches en langues pour les jeunes enfants et les opportunités de plein air pour les personnes de tous âges et de toutes capacités.
All items within this library are related to outdoor early childhood education, produced by those within the sector. This library is intended to be a living resource, where we plan to continually add items as we learn about them. We invite you to share new items with us to keep this library up to date and continue our effort to serve as a central portal of information on outdoor play and learning in Canada, avoid duplication of efforts, and help connect groups with similar interests.
LireLe Centre canadien pour le jeu en plein air invite les personnes intéressées par l'éducation de la petite enfance en plein air à se joindre à notre communauté de pratique !
LireThis National Panel aims to advance efforts towards changing ECE licensing regulations across provinces in Canada.
View panelThis nationally agreed-upon outdoor ECE continuous professional learning framework serves as a pedagogical document that aims to promote consistency in training and supporting outdoor ECE practitioners in their work, across Canada.
Access the Framework here - now available in EN and FR!The Canadian Centre for Outdoor Play has been funded by: